Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bush Vetoes Children's Health Bill To Save The Poor

The president just vetoed a bill that would allow for expansion of the SCHIP program. The SCHIP program allowed families who made too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but couldn't buy private insurance qualify for quality insurance. Each of the States were given an approved plan from the government with a lot of flexibility and the government would match the states funds. In short the states could exercise there rights to qualify needy people for insurance and the federal government would back them up.
The president decided that the government should focus on only the "truly unfortunate" and not those that were left in the gap of not qualifying for Medicaid, but couldn't afford private insurance. The Senate has enough voting power from both republicans and democrats to overturn the bill, but the house is still "on the fence" with the issue. The voting has been postponed till October twelfth so the supporters of the bill could round up enough votes to cancel the veto.
Bush Vetoed the bill so that he could help poor children/less fortunate, but he only intends on spending five billion dollars in contrast to the 35 that would be spent for the expansion of the SCHIP program.
I may be ignorant or wrong here, but is the president really all that bad of a guy? I mean come on he is wasting millions/billions of dollars in Iraq so we can keep our fuel supply going and let the rich keep getting richer. That doesn't really sound all that bad does it? The question I have to ask is "is the president really the monster that the media and all of America, our Senators and Representatives make him out to be?" Is the fact that our president running by his own agenda really not all that American. Pardon the sarcasm, but Bush has seemed to have lost his marbles in his last years in office. I mean really what kind of budget crisis are we facing that we have to cut funding for a good program like SCHIP. Did you know that the income limit for medicaid is 798 dollars for a single person and 1079 for a couple per month.
I have a friend who works at a good company (paid benefits fortunately), but he only makes about 2000 dollars a month. His rent is about five hundred dollars a month and when you factor in car payments, gas, bills and car insurance there really is not much left for medical insurance. He would have to save for half of a year just to cover the deductible on a private insurance like State Farm. So do I believe Bush has once again lost his mind yes. when you seem to be trying to line your pockets or fill your agenda by backhanding the unfortunate then I have every right to call you a bad president.

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