Thursday, October 18, 2007

House Fails to Overide Veto

Thirteen votes were missing to override President Bush's veto on the Schip bill today. No republicans changed there mind, but six democrats switched from "no" to yes. One of the main arguments that the Republicans made was that the 35 billion intended for the bill could cover illegal immigrant children and middle class families. The Democrats heard this argument and since the bill's veto are planning on revising the bill and making tighter restrictions. The bill is going to be back on the President's desk right before the election in 2008
President Bush seems to want to be financially responsible (probably because of all the mishaps in his current administration), but vetoing a bill to help millions of children and then offering one seventh of what the initial bill would have brought to the table(35 billion).I am sorry to say, but President Bush is really stupid. I mean come on. How can you deny children (ten million to that point) health insurance all in the name of helping poorer children. These were the poorer children. They can't get on welfare, so I guess they don't really count. They can't afford private insurance, so this begs question of what are we going to do when we have ten million kids in our Nation's hospitals who can't afford the health care? That means major bills for their parents never to see the light of a debt free life again. Again I am sorry to say it, but President Bush has no soul.

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